"Allow yourself to be uplifted"

Walter Skakun has a wealth of experience and practical know how resulting from a successful career managing, developing, inspiring and guiding various companies and organizations. He also successfully owned and operated his own group of retail pharmacies for 17 years.

Walter is analytical, passionate and results oriented. If you are tired of same old… same old then you should avail yourself of the skills of this dynamic personality.

Walter Skakun is:

A Powerful Speaker A Leader Motivational Humorous
Experienced Results Orientated Innovative Passionate
Inspirational Problem Solver Energetic Spiritual


Create a positive corporate culture


Align everyone in your organization with it’s objectives


Select, Train and Manage your staff effectively


Problem solve effectively


Structure your organization for success


Become a total package person

"Dynamic speaker… a visionary who touched the hearts of the audience…
great passion, humor and a strong message".
- Pharmasave Drugs Ltd.